Sunday, July 6, 2014

A walk down Wall Street

It was time to visit the hub of the financial district in Downtoen Manhattan...Wall street. We can see it from where we are staying so we walked a few blocks early Monday morning to see what it was like

The corner of Broadway and Wall Street

Looking east toward Brooklyn down Wall Street from the corner of Wall and Broadway...the buildings are so tall and overshadow the streets and make them appear dark, i doubt these streets see much sunlight at all.

Our first stop was the New York Stock Exchange

We tried to get in to see it but security was so tight we couldn't get near it. Apparently all public tours were shut down after 9/11

The building was an impressive sight to see though...

For some reason i really loved the architecture of this building and the sculptures. I also thought it was such a contrast to its I am gonna bore you with some more photos :) ...

On the opposite side of the road we found...Federal Hall

And a statue of George Washimgton.

The inscription reads:

On this Site in Federal Hall
April 30 1789
George Washington took the oath as first president
Of the United States 
Of America 

And then Paul took me to Tiffanys...

...well not quite :) ... But impressive architecture all the same.

After that we braved peak hour in the subway as we headed uptown...

The financial district and the iconic Wall Street are definitely impressive areas of NYC.

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