Monday, July 7, 2014

Visit and Tour of Brooklyn Bethel, Brooklyn NYC

One of the things I had been most looking forward to was visiting Brooklyn Bethel. So off to Brooklyn we went

The Brooklyn Bethel Building is the big brown on with the large red Watchtower sign on top of it on the right hand side of the bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)

We jumped on the subway and got off at Clarke Street station and found ourselves on...yep you guessed it...Clarke street. We found a great little cafe on Clarke st to have breakfast which had an awesome breakfast menu and was super cheap but the food was fabulous. I am not going to mention coffee because i havnt had a decent one since I landed. The cafe was Clarke st cafe...sick of Clarke street yet? Well let's head down Clarke street to the Hudson River

A short stroll along the foreshore looking over to Manhattan and up to the Brooklyn bridge and we arrived on Columbia Heights...we had arrived

For those of you that are unfamiliar with what Brooklyn Bethel is, here is an explanation taken from a brochure produced and printed by the organisation

Now you know a bit more about Brooklyn Bethel, let get on with our tour...

The first thing that captured your attention when you walked in the foyer was the large revolving globe of the earth. The globe was originally made for a bank and featured the standard heavy line markings depicting national and state boundaries. When the brothers purchased it in 1957 they sourced matching paints and had these boundaries removed to show the unity of the worldwide brotherhood.

We registered for our tour and while we were waiting for our tour guide we went through the new bible display

The brothers have done a remarkable job with the displays. They have all the old bibles well protected and simple and clear explanations of each item. I was so impressed with the display that I went through it another two times to really appreciate it....well the first time, Paul had completely finished the entire display before I had moved off the first was a reproduction of a section of the book of Isiah from the Dead Sea Scrolls. 

At first I didn't realise it was a reproduction of the scroll and was so moved that I had unexpectedly achieved a lifelong desire to see an ancient artefact, I burst into tears. 

I have always wanted to see the Dead Sea scrolls. My love of ancient history started very young and continues strongly today as I study the bible. I became really excited about the Dead Sea scrolls as I learned more about the bible, hence my awe for this one single display among many amazing historical bible displays.

The brothers have highlighted the divine name in this section of the scroll for us

I did take photos of the other displays, which I could share with you, but there is nothing like visiting the real thing for your self. If you are ever in New York, put it onto your must do list!

They have a whole wall of the different ways to spell and pronounce the divine name...

Well, at this stage we were called for our tour and the lovely Margaret took us on a tour of the facilities.

We visited all of the departments in the building

...and crossed the walk way that joins the two buildings on opposite sides of the street and had a birds eye view of the Brooklyn Bridge

We learnt a bit of information about Hispital Information Services

And were given an overview of all the committees that make up the branch

We were tarted to some amazing artwork

After our tour, we spent hours wandering through the foyer display

It was a walk down history lane...

With some amazing graphics, so much information and a timeline 

Some fun photo opportunities...

And an amazing display if the 1914 photo drama of creation

It was on the cutting edge of technology when the brothers created it in 1914...

What I want to know, is who knew about whale sharks in 1914???? Can you see that's definitely a whale shark!!!!!

The display ended with a gorgeous mural of the new world where you could have your photo taken in paradise...Can you see yourself there?

We spent 4 hours at Bethel and absolutely loved our visit.

We also had the opportunity to go to the Sunday morning meeting at Brooklyn Bethel. The Public Talk was about making wise choices and was amazing.

We met many brothers and sisters, bethelites, and...

...I was fortunate enough to meet Brother David Splain, a member of the Governing Body.

....and....Roger Miller!!!! All the way from Perth!!!! I couldn't believe it when we saw him. I didn't say anything when I first recognised him because I thought that it was such an unlikely occurrence to meet a relative from Perth (who now lives in Melbourne) in a Brooklyn Bethel Sunday morning meeting that it was more likely I was going mad!!! What are the chances??!?!?!!!??!?! At least I am not going mad - no disagreements with thats statement allowed :)

We headed to the group field service meeting afterwards, looking forward to doing some New York witnessing. Several groups went on studies and return visits and a group of eight of us grabbed carts and headed to downtown Brooklyn...

They assigned us a busy street corner with a public witnessing cart

Right next to a busy Starbucks and Subway entry.

We were out for three hours, placed four magazines and had some great chats. The brothers in Brooklyn have been cart witnessing so often in Brooklyn that they are considered a fixture of the environment now. One guy that stopped and spoke to us, was a regular visitor to the carts to make sure he was always recieving the new publications on offer. We had an absolute ball and had fulfilled one of our goals of Public Cart Witnessing in New York City :)

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