Friday, July 11, 2014

On our way to Atlanta....

Our time in New York is over so off to Atlanta we go.

We headed to La Guardia Airport at 5:30 in the morning to catch our 9:05 Delta flight to Atlanta Georgia. Unfortunately it was delayed....

So we found a nice comfy spot to sit and have breakfast. I have decided all airports should be like La Guardia! There were several really nice cafés and restaurants right next to the departure gates. Each place setting had its own iPad, connected to the internet. 

You sat down, browsed the menu, ordered and paid right at your seat, and then minutes later a lovely waitress turned up and presented you with your coffee and food...

When we arrived at Atlanta airport, we were overwhelmed with how big, and busy it was. We had to catch a train to go pick up our baggage, that's how big it is! Apparently it is the second busiest airport in the US. I would belive it! We headed up the escalators off the train to go grab our luggage and were greeted by this huge sign and a large greeting can just see the small purple signs held by the greeters in the background of this photo. Witnesses from Atlanta were there to greet us and look after all our needs! It was a little overwhelming and so wonderful!

Atlanta held many attractions...

We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe

And at the revolving restaurant...this is a photo of the domed revolving restaurant reflected in the glass windows of a neighbouring building, in daylight (just after we arrived)...

...then after a gorgeous chocolate dessert...

...the dome of our revolving restaurant reflected in the same neighbouring building is blue...does it really look like a jelly fish to you??? It did to us :)))

We wandered the streets of Atlanta by night...

...and by day we saw evidence of our 3 day international convention in shop windows and on street banners...

Atlanta had prepared for our visit!!! 

Our convention starts excited!!!!

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